Centro Europeo del Consumidor en España

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Telecommunications and Internet

Connect to the European network with all your rights.

No matter where you are in the EU, you must have access to quality and affordable telecommunications services, including a telephone connection and functional Internet access in a fixed location. With exceptions, there must be at least one telecommunications provider that can offer you this service. This is what is called the "universal service principle".Thenational regulator Se abrirá en una ventana nueva. of each country will be in charge of facilitating the contact of the universal service provider in your country.

Your telecommunications provider must:

  • Give you a written contract that includes information about fees.
  • Specify the minimum levels of quality of service.
  • Give you detailed information about the duration of the contract and the conditions for its renewal.

After signing a contract with a telecommunications service provider, you have the right to:

  • Terminate the contract if the supplier modifies the conditions of the original contract.
  • Change telecommunications provider (landline or mobile) in one business day, without changing your phone number.

You should always be able to call 112, the European emergency number, free of charge from any phone. This includes calls from mobile phones and public pay phones.

You have the right to distribute and access the online services and content that you want. Your Internet access provider cannot block, slow down or deny content, applications or online services, except in three specific cases:

  • To comply with legal obligations, such as those derived from a judicial resolution that blocks certain illegal content.
  • To protect the security and integrity of the network, for example to fight viruses or malicious computer programs ("malware").
  • To manage exceptional or temporary network congestion.

This is what is known as net neutrality.

Your internet access provider should inform you about:

  • Prices, applicable rates and recharges, options and packages included.
  • The general conditions.
  • The quality of service: for example, the download speed.

In addition, the ISP must:

  • Inform you well in advance if you want to modify the contract, for example, to raise the rate.
  • Give you the possibility to cancel the contract without any penalty if you are not convinced by the new conditions.
  • Offer you reasonable minimum contract periods: the initial period must be equal to or less than 12 months; contracts for more than two years are illegal.

If you are a user with disabilities, you have the right to enjoy the same variety of services than most consumers.

You can also have right to have your provider provide you with special accessibility devices: For example, magnification software or a screen reader if your disability is visual.

European law

  • Implementing Regulation 2016/2286 / UE Archivo pdf.  Se abrirá en una ventana nueva. of the commission of December 15, 2016, which establishes application provisions regarding the reasonable use policy and the methodology to evaluate the sustainability of the removal of surcharges for retail roaming, as well as the request that must submit a roaming provider for the purpose of such an assessment.
  • Regulation 2015/2120 / EU Archivo pdf.  Se abrirá en una ventana nueva. of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 25, 2015, which establishes measures in relation to access to an open internet and amends Directive 2002/22 / EC on universal service and the rights of users in relation to electronic communications networks and services and Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 on roaming on public mobile communications networks in the Union.

State law. Royal Decrees

  • Royal Decree 899/2009, Se abrirá en una ventana nueva. de 22 de mayo, por el que se aprueba la carta de derechos del usuario de los servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas.

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